I see the President of Botswana Ian Khama has appointed his brother as Minister of Wildlife and tourism. Tshekedi Khama otherwise known as TK. I personally know this man as a liar, cheat and a fraud that is well known for his shady business practices taking advantage of his brother’s position as head of country. He has been involved with shady deals in contracts with the Chinese Goverment to build roads in Botswana. One can only see the condition of "repaired Roads" to see funds are being misappropriated.
TK has little or no Kowledge of wildife and is cerianly not qualified. Lets keep the corruption in the family H.E.
One can now be assured that the wildlife in Botswana is in dire straits. I would personally say this to his face . Don’t the people of Botswana know this is a scam and totally the wrong person to be in such a powerful position?
My heart cries for my babies that will continue to be slaughtered.