Tuesday, March 8, 2011

First day of Vaccination March 8 2011

First day of Vaccination March 8 2011

If you really want to get a feel of how life is in Kasane, review these photos. Today, March 8, 2011 is the first day that we were vaccinating the community (village) dogs in Kasane and Kazangula, Botswana. Clay’s group (Kasane) alone vaccinated over 180 dogs in 4 hours. We have 3 more days of vaccinations in different locations since most of the villagers do not have transportation.

Clay organized that Veterinary Services, The Department of Wildlife and Parks Services and a few of our friends all help in the vaccination of community (village dogs). Clay was able to procure funding from a grant from Disney, so there was no cost to the people that brought their dogs to get vaccinated against Distemper, Parvo, Rabies and worms. Some of you may remember that we did this last year.

The dogs seemed much healthier this year than the dogs did last year. For those of you living in the US, some of the pictures may seem cruel but most of these dogs do not have much human interaction and are often abused. So, all dogs needed to be muzzled to protect not only the dogs themselves but Clay who was administering the vaccinations and the individuals that were tattooing the dogs. We needed to tattoo the dogs so we would have a permanent record of the vaccinations. Information on how to treat your dog was given out in English and Twetsawna and people were very pleased that we went to this effort to educate the town.

We also had a couple of individuals documenting the dogs and owners information. I tried to also put in some “fun shots” so friends that live in the US can see some of the culture here in Kasane, Botswana. I had to take many shots of the children. They were just so adorable. I hope you enjoy the photos. We managed to Vaccinate 350 dogs in just these 4 days.

 Vaccination Photo Album At Facebook

View YouTube Video for info on Canine Distemper and impact on wildlife, and vaccination of domestic dogs in this project.