Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New X-ray Machine in action

Working with Wildlife Inc. we have been saving tons of local wildlife. I purchased a digital x-ray unit to be used as it’s a basic and indispensable piece of equipment we need. Wildlife Inc. will pay me back in time. A fully grown Tern swal...lowed a fishing hook as seen in x-ray. This is a very common problem we encounter here. With some minor surgery and experience the hook was removed. Damen Hurd our workhorse is shown with patient. I also examined a baby Sand hill crane that is having difficulty walking. X-rays were normal. The splaying out of the legs is seen in a calcium and vitamin d deficiency which we are correcting. Both patients are doing well. The baby Sand hill is the cutest baby bird they almost look prehistoric.
The Bald Eagle with the broken wing was not repairable due to shattered bone and was euthanazed.